Internationalization Mission

​​​​​​​​​​​​​V​​ersión en español​

​The Internationalization Mission is an initiative that aims to generate new avenues to connect Colombia with the world and with the objective that internationalization becomes a long-term strategy that contributes to economic growth through different channels such as international trade, the talent of individuals, technology flows, Global Value Ch ains, and the country's natural resources.

Who are the mission?

This mission was born under the joint leadership of the Vice Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT), who established a Steering Committee led by Professor Ricardo Haussmann.

Consult here the structure of the Mission

​Learn about the final report of the Internationalization Mission Steering Committee

The national government makes available the final document that makes recommendations to make the productive sectors of Colombia more competitive.

Check here the final report

Access the studies related to the Internationalization Mission

See the Studies section

Access the policy notes related to the Internationalization Mission

See the Policy notes section

A Diagnostic of Trade Competitiveness in Colombia

Competition, Productivity and Exports

Policy Note: Determinants of agricultural exports in Colombia

Policy Note: International trade in goods