What is the Internationalization Mission?


The Internationalization Mission is an initiative that aims to generate new avenues to connect Colombia with the world and with the objective that internationalization becomes a long-term strategy that contributes to economic growth through different channels such as international trade, the talent of individuals, technology flows, Global Value Chains, and the country's natural resources.

This mission was born under the joint leadership of the Vice Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT), who established a Steering Committee led by Professor Ricardo Haussmann, from Harvard University, and comprised of other renowned national and international economists and experts from academia and the private sector.

The Mission was supported by a technical secretariat made up by the National Planning Department (DNP); the Vice Presidency of the Republic; MinCIT and the World Bank.

The Mission presented a series of recommendations and policy guidelines to contribute to the effective integration of the country into the world economy, promoting the increase, diversification, and creation of value in exports, taking advantage of the new dynamics and realities in international trade.​