Policy Notes

The policy notes are documents produced by the technical secretariat of the Internationalization Mission that summarize and compile the state of knowledge, evidence, and policy developments. Each document deals with a specific topic related to the different dimensions of the internationalization of the country and their objective is to inform and support the discussions of the steering committee, as well as to ensure that the Mission generates recommendations that add value to the country.​

Determinants of agricultural exports in Colombia

Trade offers the opportunity for economies to grow and contribute to the alleviation of poverty (WTO, 2018).

International trade in goods

Colombia has transitioned from a high dependence on coffee exports in the 1970s to a high dependence on Oil and other minerals.

International trade in services

Trade in services in Colombian has been growing in recent years; however, its development is still very incipient.

Infrastructure and Logistics Policies in Colombia

Colombia’s unique geography makes it intrinsically difficult to create a quality national infrastructure system.

Foreign Direct Investment Attraction and Promotion

The inflow from Colombia has stagnated since 2014 commodity price crisis and its composition remains concentrated in the extractive industries and in some regions.

The role of migration in Colombia’s competitiveness

The relationship between migration and trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has not yet been fully addressed, nor policies around this topic fully assessed.

Obstacles to Export in Colombia

The low participation of exporting firms is one of the structural problems presented for the internationalization of the Colombian economy.

Review of firm productivity in Colombia

Based on estimations from The Conference Board, between 2000 and 2019 the average annual growth of total factor productivity (TFP) was negative (-0.42 %).

World Economic Policy Note

The purpose of the following document is to present some general lines of the international economic context, aimed at providing the Internationalization Mission wit

Review on tourism activity in Colombia

From 2012 to 2019, the receptive tourism grew in an average annual growing of 9,1% in comparison to the world growth 5,3% and America’s growth 4,4%.

Review of Knowledge and Technology Adoption and Transference

There is evidence suggesting that innovation and technological adoption are key to foster productivity and development (Bauer, 1990).

Strengthening the role of the national government as owner of companies and improving corporate gove

The National Government maintains shares in 105 companies, in 40 of them it is the majority, for a book value of close to $79 billion.